No 3rd Runway (Heathrow)Heathrow - UK's single biggest polluter!Stop Heathrow Expansion
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 Facebook Groups:-

icon-flight-tracker Aircraft above 'My Neighbourhood'

icon-aircraftnoise Aircraft Noise - Newcastle

Aircraft Noise Lightwater, Windlesham & Bagshot, Surrey icon-aircraftnoise Aircraft Noise 3 Villages - no longer active?

AxoSOU icon-aXoSOU Airport eXpansion Opposition Southampton

icon-uk-airport-news UK Airport News - no longer active?

icon-airportwatch AirportWatch umbrella network of groups opposing airport expansion

All Party Parliamentary Group All Party Parliamentary Group


"Aviation Climate Alliance" (ACA) formed in 2020

icon-aviation-environment-federation Aviation Environment Federation (AEF): only NGO which lobbies exclusively on aviation



Brentford N.O.I.S.E. Norwood Green, Osterly Park, Isleworth, Southall & Ealing


icon-bashr3 BashRunway3 icon-bashr3 Brentford And Hounslow Stop Heathrow Expansion

campaign against climate change campaigncc icon-cacc Campaign Against Climate Change

Campaign to Protect Rural England icon-cpre Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)

CAPA Centre For Aviation

Carbon Market Watch Carbon Market WatchCarbon Market Watch

Carbon Emissions calculator - ICAO

CHATR_Heathrow Chiswick Against the Third Runway


icon-cleanair Clean Air UK
@ClientEarth ClientEarth clientearth - no longer active?
@theCCCuk ccc Climate Change Committee (CCC)

icon-climate-justice-jobs ClimateJusticeJobs

icon-colnbrook Colnbrook Community Association (CAA)

icon-colnbrook-with-poyle Colnbrook with Poyle Parish Council

icon-community-hartsCommunity-harts Alternative Vision for Heathrow

icon-cagne Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emissions


icon-ealing-aircraft-noise-action-group Ealing Aircraft Noise Action Group (EANAG)
Englefield Green Action Group Englefield Green Action Group (EGAG)
Save Englefield Green from becoming a noise sewer Save Englefield Green - no longer active?

Env.Defence Fund Enviromental Defence Fund Enviromental Defence Fund

ExtinctionRebellion Rebellion.earthExtinction

Flightpath 1.5 Flightpath 1.5 Flightpath 1.5 - no longer active?

FoE UK icon-ealing-friends-of-the-earth Friends of the Earth UK - Heathrow

Ealing FoE icon-ealing-friends-of-the-earth Friends of the Earth - Ealing

icon-hounslow-friends-of-the-earth Friends of the Earth - Hounslow and Brentford
Friends of The Eath West London Friends of The Eath West London

icon-english-heritage English Heritage Harmondsworth Barn built in 1426

FlightFree2020 Pledge not to fly in 2020

icon-flight-tracker Flight Radar 24 (real time) WebTrak, Flight Aware

icon-gacc GACC (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign)

GfAoLBA GALBA Group for Action on Leeds Bradford Airport

Opponents of Heathrow's Night Flights & noise

TheGreenParty icon-green-party Green Party

GreenPeaceUK  icon-green-peace Green Peace UK

Grow Heathrow icon-transition-heathrow Grow Heathrow - Transition Heathrow

HACAN - campaigning to cut noise and emissions icon-hacan HACAN (Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise)

HACAN East    Instagram icon-hacan-east HACAN East

icon-hacan-book HACAN book on how the last campaign was won

 icon-hacc HACC Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee 2018 - Replaced by HCEB

 icon-hasra HASRA Harmondsworth & Sipson Residents Association

HARA Hillingdon Alliance of Residents Associations

HCNF Heathrow Community Noise Forum

HandFNoThirdRunway H-and-F No Third Runway for Hammersmith & Fulham

HCEB Heathrow Community Engagement Board

icon-heathrow-flight-blight Heathrow Flight Blight

icon-flight-tracker Heathrow Flight Projected flight paths for the proposed 3rd Runway - no longer active?

icon-heathrow-airwatch Heathrow Latest Air Quality Summary

icon-no2 Heathrow Graphs for Nitrogen dioxide

HeathrowPause icon-no2 Heathrow Pause

icon-heathrow-noise Heathrow Noise Heathrow Noise

ICCAN.UK icct ICCAN Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise
icsa ICSA International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation

icct Icct The International Council on Clean Transportation

icon-holland-kaye-blog weekly blog John Holland-Kaye CEO Heathrow Airport Limited
icon-laanc Local Authorities Aircraft Noise Council (LAANC)
@LongfordRA LongfordRA Longford Residents Association Longford Residents Association (LRA)
Longford Village Longford Village Ladacan Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise

Local Focus Forum (LFF)


icon-no-3rd-runway No 3rd Runway - no longer active?

icon-3rd-runway No
@NoR3Coalition NoR3Coalition icon-no-3rd-runway-coalition No Third Runway Coalition
@videoheathrow No Ifs, No Buts
@NoNightFlights NoNightFlights NoNightFlights Oppose a Cargo Hub airport
Osterley & Wyke Green Residents' Association OWGRA
@PlanB_earth ThereIsAPlanB Plan B
@PlaneHell PlaneHell PlaneHellAction Plane Hell Action - South East (PHASE)
@PlaneDaftAscot PlaneDAFT PlaneDaft Defending Ascot's Future Today - no longer active?

Plane Stupid icon-plane-stupid Plane Stupid: direct action campaign


RAAN icon-raanRAAN Residents Against Aircraft Noise Berks,
RBWMRBWM Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead


Stay Grounded Reclaim The Power

icon-richmond-and-twickenham-foe Richmond and Twickenham Richmond and Twickenham Friends of the Earth

icon-richmond-heathrow-campaign Richmond Heathrow Campaign

Rising Up UK icon-risingup Rising Up

Slough and District Against Runway 3 Slough and District Against Runway 3 Slough and District Against Runway 3
@SouthwarkCAN Plane Hell Southwarkcan planehell Southwark Can Planehell

Stay-Grounded Stay-Grounded-logo
Stop 700 More Planes a day "Stop 700 More" Planes a Day Group

Stop Airport Expansion and Noise Stop Airport Expansion and Noise - Southend Airport

set-logo Stop East Takeoff

S.H.E. Stop Heathrow Expansion she-logo Stop Heathrow Expansion

SHPU-logo Stop Heathrow Polluting Us Stop Luton Airport Expansion

icon-stop-stanstead-expansion SSE (Stop Stansted Expansion)

stopegtrials-logo Stop trial flight routes over Englefield Green - no longer active?

icon-tag Teddington Action Group icon-tag Teddington Action Group (TAG)

The Five Bells Pub Harmondsworth - no longer active?

Stop TTIP icon-stop-ttip European Initiative against CETA and TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)

TransEnv icon-transport-environment T & E (Transport and Environment): Brussels-based lobby group for sustainable transport

@transheathrow icon-transition-heathrow Transition Heathrow (local community direct action campaign)


Vote No Heathrow

villager Heathrow Villager Newspaper

uecna uecna - European Union Against Aircraft Nuisances

icon-ukip-hillingdon UKIP Hillingdon Heathrow Villages news - no longer active?

icon-Vienna Airport Austria Vienna Airport, Austria - 3rd runway

icon-wwra West Windsor Residents Assc

Workers Wildwest - against Heathrow paying minimum wages

icon-wwra World Wildlife Fund

icon-Notre-Dame-des-LandesZad Occupation, Notre-Dame-des-Landes France

icon-addresses-to-write-to Addresses to write to:- PM, MPs...

2nd Feb 2017:-
The Department of Transport (DfT) has put out three documents for public consultation:-
    Night Flights Consultation, closing date of 28th February.
    National Policy Statement (NPS) - a consultation on a Heathrow third runway closing date is 25th May
    Airspace Policy Consultation closing date is 25th May

And Heathrow output this on Sustainability!

16th Dec 2016
Heathrow Airport expansion - GOV.UK

Heathrow Airport expansion: summary document 25 October 2016 Policy paper
Government decides on new runway at Heathrow 25 October 2016 News story
Airport capacity 25 October 2016 Oral statement to Parliament

Heathrow Airport expansion: around the UK 25 October 2016 Guidance
Heathrow Airport expansion: connectivity 25 October 2016 Guidance
Heathrow Airport expansion: economic benefits 25 October 2016 Guidance
Heathrow Airport expansion: environment and local impacts 25 October 2016 Guidance

Technical reports
Airports Commission's final report and supporting documents.
Airport expansion: DfT review of the Airports Commission's final report 25 October 2016 Research and analysis
Airport expansion: further analysis of air quality data 25 October 2016 Independent report
Airport expansion: further review and sensitivities report 25 October 2016 Research and analysis
Airport expansion: global comparison of airport mitigation measures 25 October 2016 Research and analysis
Airport expansion: Highways England assurance report 25 October 2016 Research and analysis
Heathrow Airport Limited: statement of principles 25 October 2016 Guidance

From: Department for Transport
Part of: Aviation and airports
NECD - National Emissions Ceiling Directive - 2020 will breach the limit for small particles (PM 2.5). Expansion is predicted to worsen this breach.
DEFRA - Heathrow Expansion Pollution
The 3rd Runway at Heathrow is unlawful as it fails to address the UK's current "Code Red" Climate Change obligations.

Film Permits.
Everyone who is filming in Hillingdon Borough on council owned areas such as streets, parks, open spaces, grave yards, etc need a permit. Film makers should contact Lyn Summers 1/10/2018 at no charge for not-for-profit organisations and students. Applicants are given a Filming permit that they can show to anyone who asks what they are doing & wants to know if they have permission to film.